Cataclysm Class: Druid (Diablo IV) Skill Category: Ultimate Active Cooldown: 90 seconds A massive storm follows the Druid for 10 seconds. Tornadoes knock back enemies, and lightning strikes wildly for massive Lightning damage. Damage Type: Lightning Other Stats: Storm skill |
Cataclysm is an Ultimate Storm skill used by Druid in Diablo IV, based on the Armageddon classic spell, but is Lightning-based instead of Fire.
When cast, chaotically summons several independent Tornadoes and lightning bolts that home at random enemies each. Every second the spell is active, spawns more and more of them, as the old ones dissipate. The storm follows the Druid and does not need to be channeled.
Tornadoes deal no damage, but knock the enemies back, and do not benefit from enhancements that a regular Tornado skill would. Lightning strikes a small area for high damage and may hit several densely packed foes in one strike.
Using this skill will transform the Druid back into Human form. However, once cast, it will continue to damage enemies around the Druid even if they shapeshift into a Werewolf or a Werebear.
- Predatory Instinct (5): Deal 3% increased damage to nearby enemies per point.
- Call of the Wild (5): Critical Strike Chance is increased by 8% per point against the Wolves' focus target. Ravens passive attacks make enemies Vulnerable for 20% of the damage dealt per point.
- Overpower (5): Up to a 8% chance on hit per point to Knock Down Slowed enemies for 1 second.
- Scent of Blood (5): Deal 4% increased damage per point to Crowd Controlled enemies.
- Feral Spirit (5): Critical Strike Damage is increased by 6% per point for 4 seconds after using a Shapeshifting skill.
- Quickshift (1): After Shapeshifting into a different form, next skill deals 30% increased damage.
- Storm and Claw (1): While Hurricane or Cataclysm is active, Shapeshifting skills deal an additional 40% damage as Lightning.
- Eye of the Storm (5): Critical Strikes with Storm skills increase the Critical Strike Chance of non-Storm skills by 5% per point for 3 seconds.
- Natural Resonance (5): Earth and Storm skills deal 2% increased damage per point.
- Endless Tempest (5): increases the duration of Hurricane and Cataclysm by 6% per point.
- Fury of Nature (5): Enemies hit by Earth and Storm skills have up to a 20% chance to take 25% increased Critical Strike Damage from attacks per point for 5 seconds.
- Perfect Storm (1): Storm skills deal 50% increased damage to Vulnerable targets.
Earthspike • Shred • Storm Strike • Maul • Wind Shear
Pulverize • Landslide • Tornado
Cyclone Armor • Earthen Bulwark • Trample • Debilitating Roar • Ravenous Bite
Hurricane • Boulder
Wolves • Ravens • Vine Creeper
Cataclysm • Grizzly Rage • Petrify
Heightened Senses • Predatory Instinct • Iron Hide • Lupine Swiftness • Call of the Wild • Overpower • Rabid Strikes • Hunt the Weak • Scent of Blood • Feral Spirit • Quickshift • Storm and Claw • Abundance • Natural Balance • Eye of the Storm • Ancestral Fortitude • Elemental Exposure • Natural Resonance • Primal Resonance • Endless Tempest • Earthbind • Undergrowth • Fury of Nature • Perfect Storm • Earthen Might