Diablo Wiki
"Jungle Urchins were merely a legend, until a few who encountered them actually survived to tell of the hellish volley of thorny spikes these creatures are capable of throwing."

- Monster summary(src)

Bush Barb (Resurrected)

Bush Barb in Resurrected

Bush Barbs (a.k.a. Jungle Urchins) are a unused Spike Fiend variant from Diablo II. They appeared in Spider Forest from Act III in one of the Pre-release versions.

They fire four quills and on Nightmare and Hell difficulties they have a 5/15% chance to deal Lightning damage with them.


Bush Barb (Unused)
Jungle Urchin
Property Normal Nightmare Hell
Type Animal Animal Animal
Act(s) found in 3 3 3
Monster Level 18 48 79
Experience 176 4048 30129
Health points 14–56 187–654 1098–3844
Damage 1 6–14 12–30 27–68
Attack Rating 1 163 620 2067
Damage 2 1–3 12–20 27–45
Attack Rating 2 221 954 3180
Defense 90 537 1237
% to Block 18 18 18
Damage Resist 0 0 50
Magic Resist 0 0 0
Fire Resist 0 0 0
Cold Resist 0 0 50
Lightning Resist 0 0 0
Poison Resist 0 0 0
Drain Effectiveness 100 100 100
Chill Effectiveness 50 40 33
Walk/Run Speed 5
Group/Minion Size 3-4

Note: Damage 1 and Attack Rating 1 are the stats for the monster's melee attack, while Damage 2 and Attack Rating 2 are for its ranged quill attack.


Surprisingly their beta monstats.txt levels (18/36/47) match the Valley of Snakes in beta levels.txt,

A Pre-release E3 1999 video shows that Bush Barb was named Jungle Urchin and was located in the Spider Forest.

VariantsQuill RatSpike FiendThorn BeastRazor SpineBush Barb (cut)
