Diablo Wiki
Monster Bone Spirit

An Oblivion Knight casting Bone Spirit.

Bone Spirit

Bone Spirit is a monster skill that appears in Diablo II and Diablo Immortal. In Diablo II, it is employed by Oblivion Knight mages, usually encountered in the Chaos Sanctuary. The Bone Spirit is a homing projectile, identical to the Necromancer's spell of the same name.

Players may be able to dodge the spirit by running around a corner, trapping the spirit and preventing it from homing in on the character's location, or simply by running around in circles until the spirit's existence expires. A warning to those who try the latter method, however; in Normal difficulty, the hero's Stamina can be low enough that multiple Bone Spirits may exhaust him/her, preventing escape. This is less likely for a melee hero, given their ideal Vitality scores at this point in their journey to stop the Prime Evils.

In Diablo Immortal, Lethes and Manoruk can cast Bone Spirits. Beledwe and Apothrus have a similar skill where they summons 4 spectral demon skulls around themselves which spew fire as they revolve around the caster. The skill ends with the skulls traveling a short distance away then rotate for some seconds as they continue to spew fire.


Damaging Skills
FireEmbersEruptionFire ArrowFireballFire BoltFire HitFirestormFire WallFlame CircleGrenadeHydraIncinerateIncineration NovaInfernoMeteorMinefield
IceArctic BlastBlizzardCold TouchFire Hit (Cold)Freezing ChargeGlacial SpikeHoarfrost
PoisonPoison BoltPoison BreathPoison CloudPoison SpitPoison SprayPoison StingPoison Strike
LightningLightningLightning ArrowLightning GlobeLightning StormRed Lightning HoseShocking HitSpark DefenseThunderbolt
PhysicalBiteBlast WaveBlow DartCharge (Berserk Charge) • CleaveCorpse CannonDestructive StrikeDivebombGrabGround SpikesGround TentacleLeapJavelinLeech-life BallPummelQuakeQuill DartSlamSnatchSpine DartStrikeSwipeSweepWhirlwind
MagicBeamBlade BeamBlastBombBone SpiritHellish ProjectileNovaTideTornadoTorrentUnholy Bolt
Non-damaging Skills
Indirect Attack — Blood ManaCursesMana RiftMinion FrenzyPutrifySpin WebStunVortex
Spawning — Bone PrisonFestering AppendagesLay EggMinefieldMystifying GrowthReviveSummon MinionTotem
Self-effect — Bone ArmorBurrowEffigyFlyFrenzyHealShellTeleportVile Effigy
