Diablo Wiki
For the Vampire type, see Blood Lord (Vampire).

A Blood Lord

Blood Lords are a type of demon.


Blood Lords are raging, uncontrollable brutes and have the freedom to act independently from other demonic troops on the battlefield.[1]


Diablo II[]

Blood Lords appear in Act V of Diablo II. They are strictly melee fighters, but their devastating blows inflict both normal and magic damage.

Blood Lords and their stronger counterparts in the game are sometimes considered serious threat on Hell difficulty. They have a natural Frenzy ability which will activate if the Blood Lord swings, no matter if he hits or misses. One Blood Lord is no serious threat, but they are usually in groups which range from three to five or even more and they are feared for surrounding player, making it impossible to move away, giving the player the only option to fight. With each hit Frenzy will grow and there is a chance that a microstun will occur. The Blood Lord has a large amount of life and decent defense, but he is quite vulnerable to magic attacks such as Sorceress Cold Spells. Since a Blood Lord is a melee attacker, it's best to attack him with range attacks or to avoid large groups.

On Hell, Blood Lords are immune to Physical damage. Their variations are immune to a particular element, but all are vulnerable to Poison damage.


Blood Lords (third variety) can be found in:

An Super-Unique Blood Lord is Axe Dweller (unused).

Blood Lord
Blood Lord
Property Normal Nightmare Hell
Type Animal Animal Animal
Act(s) found in 5 5 5
Monster Level 36 61 82
Health points
Damage 1
Attack Rating 1
Damage 2
Attack Rating 2
% to Block 50 50 50
Damage Resist 0 0 100
Magic Resist 0 0 33
Fire Resist 0 0 33
Cold Resist 0 0 33
Lightning Resist 0 0 33
Poison Resist 0 0 33
Drain Effectiveness 100 85 75
Immunities Physical
Chill Effectiveness 30 20 10
Walk/Run Speed 9
Group/Minion Size 1-2


  • Because Blood Lords are set to use specific armors with a slight variation on different types, you never see some of the armor on them, like for example Moon Lords with full Heavy armor (didn't include Hell Lord with Light armor as it can already be seen as the Guest Hell Lord). They also have a pauldron-less graphic,
  • Blood Lords have an unused crimson color palette. It looks similar to the Moon Lord, but is much more saturated.

Diablo Immortal[]

"Named for the arterial spray that follows in their wake, blood lords hack through any foes that stand before them. Their gargantuan weapons shatter even the strongest mortal defenses, and the survivors of an initial charge can hold little hope in melee against these behemoths."

- Bestiary entry(src)

Blood Lord DIH

Blood Lords appear as monsters in Diablo Immortal. They can be found at Destruction's End dungeon and the Ruins of Sescheron.

Ashen Marauders are a variant of Blood Lords. They can be summoned by Sargoth in the Temple of Namari.



  1. Blood Lord, The Arreat Summit. Accessed on 2021-01-15