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Betrayal of the Lilin is a manuscript in Diablo Immortal. It is seen as part of the quest Hateful Blessings, within the destroyed Veiled Spring. It is implied to be written by Geherit, though not explicitly stated.


Morwith's theft of the Pathstone happened in a night, but it was not arbitrary. After the last famine, acrimony between Inari and Lilin blossomed. Disputes over rationing pushed us further apart.

Morwith was the highest- ranking Elder to voice leaving the Cradle behind. I learned later that the other Elders rebuked her, but did not remove her title, and thus she was able to convince many of her followers to escape the Cradle with her.

It was at this point that the Prevailing Wind changed. Ymuthrus said Morwith damned our home and our people with her selfishness, and that all Lilin who had advocated for fleeing the cradle were responsible. Perhaps he was right, but I remember the quiet that fell upon our refuge when Ymuthrus said that the punishment for such sin would be death.

Decorated Sanctifiers were selected to carry out the executions. Only one of their number dared question Ymuthrus openly. These were not Zatham's first defiant words — he had, years earlier, accused the Elders of punishing misdeeds unevenly between Inari and Lilin, though it was the sacred responsibility of the Conservators and Elders to assign such punishments, and his as a Sanctifier to carry them out.

Ymuthrus insisted he be judged in the rite of Purity's Penance. It did not kill Zatham, but burned the eyes from his face. Ymuthrus then permitted him exile. It was, by his standards, generous.
