Diablo Wiki
"Rayek has located not just one, but two diabolical demonic threats this time! Twin flames forged from the same inseparable, swirling chaos, Gishtur and Beledwe are the fourth Helliquary boss to threaten Sanctuary. This malefic pair of hellspawn have a knack for crafting some of the most formidable weapons to have graced the battlefield, operating the Hellforge for the Great Evils or fusing souls and flesh in their own Fellsteel Foundry—reserving only the finest armaments for their own personal use."

- Character description(src)

Beledwe, along with his twin brother Gishtur were a powerful demons, and members of the Wrathborne.


Beledwe DI


Beledwe and Gishtur were "twin flames, forged from the same inseparable, swirling chaos" of the Burning Hells. The pair gave each other form, and crafted every malefic weapon they could imagine.[1] Their works are among some of the most formidable weapons to have graced the battlefield, operating the Hellforge for the Great Evils or fusing souls and flesh in their own Fellsteel Foundry, reserving only the finest armaments for their own personal use. Beledwe preferred to use a flame-infused tridents, using it to call down meteor strikes and summon burning orbs to seek his opponents out. They were both known to incinerate opponents side-by-side.[2]

The twins were detected by Rayek in the year 1270, and through the Einfrinn Tree, the Shard-seeker was dispatched to the Foundry. Both of the twins were slain.[3]

Eve of Unmaking[]

C. 1273, Beledwe and his brother had resurrected in Hell. At the latter part of the year they—along with Vitaath and the Gorgothra, led a vanguard force to the Ashen Ravine.[4]


Beledwe and Gishtur are a double boss in Diablo Immortal, and were the fourth Helliquary boss in the game. The player fights them inside the Felsteel Foundry. Beledwe attacks from range, calling down meteor strikes and summoning burning orbs that hone in on players. Finishing the fight awards players with Twin Horns.

Originally defeating the pair was required to unlocking Hell IV difficulty, but after the difficulty rework in the Unending Storm update, this was scrapped. They can now be challenged on Normal difficulty.


Beledwe begins the battle. When he's at 30% overall health, Gishtur replaced him. When Gishtur is at 30% overall health, Beledwe joins the battle and both are fought together for the rest of the fight. He uses the following skills:

  • Fire Bolt: Beledwe shoots a trio of fire bolts from his trident. This is his basic attack.
  • Bone Spirit: Beledwe raises his trident up, summoning 4 spectral demon skulls around himself which spew fire as they revolve around him. The skulls then travel a short distance away then rotate for some seconds as they continue to spew fire.
  • Flame Globe: Beledwe summons 4 globes of flame that hone in to the nearest players.
  • Eruption: Beledwe roars and spreads his wings, causing fire to erupt in 6 areas after a short delay.
  • Meteor: Beledwe summons multiple meteors around the arena.
  • Summon Minion: Beledwe summons multiple Demon Warriors through portals.



  1. Horadric Bestiary
  2. 2022-08-30, DIABLO IMMORTAL CONTENT UPDATE: FIND YOUR INNER LIGHT WITH THE SEASON FOUR BATTLE PASS. Blizzard Entertainment, accessed on 2022-09-03
  3. Diablo Immortal, Twin Terrors
  4. 2024-11-25; Brace Yourself for the Eve of Unmaking. Blizzard Entertainment accessed on 2024-11-26