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The Barbarian Combatants (as called in the game files) are friendly human allies all around outside areas of Act V, marching left or right and fighting demons, while they are much weaker than the hireling barbarian, you can buff them with auras and warcries, and it's good to see a friendly face and fight side by side with them.

They have two variations, one handed and two-handed but only the first one can be found. They are able to defeat a bunch of demons and shrug off damage, but are many times found surrounded by hordes of Baal. They can be found in Bloody Foothills, Frigid Highlands, Arreat Plateau, Frozen Tundra.

They have helmetless and heavy pauldron graphics that are unused, also two-handed version has an unused greatsword graphic. Two-Handed version has one-third of health and less attack rating, but triple the damage than one-handed barbarian on Normal difficulty.


Barbarian Combatant 1
Barbarian Combatant 1
Property Normal Nightmare Hell
Type Animal Animal Animal
Act(s) found in 5 5 5
Monster Level 24 55 73
Health points
Damage 1
Attack Rating 1
Damage 2
Attack Rating 2
% to Block 50 50 50
Damage Resist 0 0 0
Magic Resist 0 0 0
Fire Resist 0 0 0
Cold Resist 0 0 0
Lightning Resist 0 0 0
Poison Resist 70 70 70
Drain Effectiveness 100 100 100
Chill Effectiveness 50 50 50
Walk/Run Speed 5 14
Group/Minion Size 1
Barbarian Combatant 2 (Unused)
Barbarian Combatant 2
Property Normal Nightmare Hell
Type Animal Animal Animal
Act(s) found in 5 5 5
Monster Level 30 55 73
Health points
Damage 1
Attack Rating 1
Damage 2
Attack Rating 2
% to Block 50 50 50
Damage Resist 0 0 0
Magic Resist 0 0 0
Fire Resist 0 0 0
Cold Resist 0 0 0
Lightning Resist 0 0 0
Poison Resist 70 70 70
Drain Effectiveness 100 100 100
Chill Effectiveness 50 50 50
Walk/Run Speed 5 14
Group/Minion Size 1