Diablo Wiki

Avarice the Gold Cursed is a gigantic monster. Wielding a massive mallet and crushing gold-filled chest, Avarice will destroy anyone foolish enough to try and steal his riches.[1]


Diablo Immortal[]

Avarice appears in Diablo Immortal as part of the March of the Goblins anniversary event, and is the boss of Gold-Cursed Goliath activity. He lairs in the Pit of the Gold-Cursed.

Every move Avarice makes is powerful and devastating. Avoid sweeping blows and steer clear of rocks launched from afar, which explode in a pool of vomit that will slow your movement. Defeating Avarice for the first time that day will grant 1 Legendary item, and has a chance to drop normal gems.

Competing in the Trial of Plunder has a chance to earn players a Gold-Cursed Portal, which can be used to summon a portal that teleports the player to Avarice immediately. There is also a chance to encounter a Gold-Cursed Portal randomly in the wild.

Diablo IV[]

Avarice made his debut in Diablo IV as a world boss.


  1. 2024-05-30, CELEBRATE THE DIABLO ANNIVERSARY WITH MARCH OF THE GOBLINS. Blizzard Entertainment, accessed on 2024-06-10