Diablo Wiki
For the timeline of the Diablo universe rather than the calendar, see timeline.

The Anno Kehjistani is a dating system used by the people of Sanctuary. It was created at the apex of Zakarum power, when the church gathered an army of scholars to document the history of the world as they saw it. The calendar possesses a 'year 0', with years moving up from this point, while years before this point use a "-" sign.[1]

By chance or design, the months of the Anno Kehjistani represent the phases of the cycle of time. As such, certain magical practices will be more effective in one month than another.[2]


The following is a list of months of the Anno Kehjistani in approximate order. The year appears to begin in Kathon and ends in Esunar.[3]


Consists of at least 28 days.[3] The 15th day of the month is referred to as "the crimson moon," a phenomenon the Triune referred to as the Eye of Baal. During this time of the month, destructive spells are more potent, but harder to control. Sacrifices are best practiced under the crimson moon.[2]


Consists of at least 12 days.[4] Alongside Montaht, this is the month where day and night are equal. It is a time of dreams and visions. Scrying spells and illusions are more powerful in this month than any other time of the year. These are the months where the minions of Belial are most active.[2]


Consists of at least 14 days.[4] Alongside Solmoneth, this is the month where day and night are equal. It is a time of dreams and visions. Scrying spells and illusions are more powerful in this month than any other time of the year. These are the months where the minions of Belial are most active.[2]


Consists of at least 4 days.[3] This is the month of rebirth, where healing spells and elixrs are most potent.[2]


Consists of at least 10 days. Appears to come after Ostara.[3]


One of the two months of sowing and fertility in Kehjistan, alongside Lycanum. They represent the duality between male and female. Adria also believed that they represent the Eternal Conflict. During this time, one is advised not to parlay with the denizens of Hell, for in this time they are erratic and easy to anger.[2]


One of the two months of sowing and fertility in Kehjistan, alongside Vasan. They represent the duality between male and female. Adria also believed that they represent the Eternal Conflict. During this time, one is advised not to parlay with the denizens of Hell, for in this time they are erratic and easy to anger.[2]

Kale Monath[]

The month of plagues and pestilence. Adria found that poisons brewed during this month were most effective. Reagents also bind more easily during this time.[2]


Consists of at least 20 days.[5] This is the "baker's month," where crops are harvested and food is plenty. Demons aligned with Azmodan appear to be easier to contact in the latter half of the month.[2]


Consists of at least 29 days.[3] Alongside Damhar, this is the month where the barrier between Sanctuary and other worlds weakens, specifically at the days at the end of the Jerharan and the start of Damhar. This period is the ideal time to summon demons.[2]


Consists of at least 27 days.[3] Alongside Jerharan, this is the month where the barrier between Sanctuary and other worlds weakens, specifically at the days at the end of the Jerharan and the start of Damhar. This period is the ideal time to summon demons.[2]


The month of the dead, so named after Rathma.[6] Consists of at least 21 days.[7] This is the ideal time to summon, bind, or commune with spirits, including the undead (especially on the seventh day). These acts are best conducted during the new moon.[2]


Consists of at least 20 days.[3] The month of fire, water, air, earth, and other elemental powers. There is a connection between magic and the physical world in this month that makes it the best time to create amulets or perform enchantments on objects.[2]

Known Days[]

The calendar is known to employ the following days. These are sorted alphabetically:


This section contains facts and trivia relevant to this article.
  • The Anno Kehjistani is possibly based on the Gregorian calendar. Both were created at the behest of a religious institution, although the Gregorian calendar does not have a year 0.
  • The two primary sources for the calendar's dates come from Deckard Cain's Journal and Book of Adria: A Diablo Bestiary. There are contradictions between monthly orderings and in some cases, spellings. The article has primarily gone with the latter source, including the order of months presented (notably, Nevan is omitted from Book of Adria, and only features in the journal).

