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Kaa and his Unraveler brethren (Old Colors)

Ancient Kaa the Soulless is a Super Unique Unraveler found in Tal Rasha's Tomb in Act II of Diablo II. He can be spawned in any one of the false tombs, and not necessarily next to the treasure trove. He is never spawned in the true tomb. His tomb is much larger than the other five false tombs, and Kaa himself always appears in a room with a crescent-like set arrangement of braziers on the floor.

Kaa is one of the many Super Unique monsters in the game with pre-set attributes, listed below:


Kaa is unusual in that he comes with three inherent attributes, as opposed to most super uniques who mostly possess one or two. This makes him especially dangerous as on Nightmare and Hell difficuly he can have a total of four or five attributes respectively, and thus be far more likely to come with particularly troublesome attributes to combat. 


Ancient Kaa The Soulless
Ancient Kaa The Soulless (Recent)
Property Normal Nightmare Hell
Type Undead Undead Undead
Act(s) found in 2 2 2
Monster Level 23 52 83
Health points
Damage 1
Attack Rating 1
Damage 2
Attack Rating 2
% to Block 0 15 33
Damage Resist 0 0 33
Magic Resist 20 70 100
Fire Resist 0 0 20
Cold Resist 0 0 100
Lightning Resist 75 75 95
Poison Resist 50 50 50
Drain Effectiveness 100 66 33
Immunities Magic,Cold
Chill Effectiveness 50 33 25
Walk/Run Speed 3
Group/Minion Size 1 3/4/5


This section contains facts and trivia relevant to this article.
  • "Ka" is an Egyptian word which translates as "lifeforce."
  • In earlier versions of the game, Kaa would always spawn in Tal Rasha's true tomb. 


  • Originally in v1.00-1.06b Ancient Kaa The Soulless had a purple color.
  • In v1.07-1.09d he had a yellow-green color.
  • In v1.00-1.06b he had Magic Resistant instead of Mana Burn.