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Aegis of Valor is a Crusader class set added in Diablo III patch 2.6.7.

It is modeled after the likeness of Imperius, and every piece of flavor text is taken from lines he has uttered in various media.

This set requires character level 70 to drop, and can only drop at Torment difficulty.

All set pieces are restricted to Crusaders only. Even transmogrification of these items is only available to Crusaders.


Aegis of valor

The set consists of six pieces. All six are required to complete the set, and all of them are Crusader-restricted.

Set Bonus:

  • Attacking with Fist of the Heavens increases Heaven's Fury damage by 100% for 5 seconds, stacking up to 3 times multiplicatively (2 pieces)
  • Hitting with Fist of the Heavens generates 5 Wrath and reduces damage taken by 1% for 5 seconds, stacking up to 50 times (4 pieces)
  • Increase the damage of Fist of the Heavens and Heaven's Fury by 20000% (6 pieces)

Class Sets
Barbarian Sets: Bul-Kathos's OathHeritage of Arreat (cosmetic only) • Horde of the Ninety SavagesImmortal King's CallMight of the EarthThe Legacy of RaekorWrath of the Wastes
Crusader Sets: Aegis of ValorArmor of AkkhanNorvald's FervorRoland's LegacySeeker of the LightThorns of the Invoker
Demon Hunter Sets: Danetta's HatredEmbodiment of the MarauderGears of DreadlandsNatalya's VengeanceThe Shadow's MantleUnhallowed Essence
Monk Sets: Inna's MantraMonkey King's GarbPatterns of JusticeRaiment of a Thousand StormsShenlong's SpiritUliana's Stratagem
Necromancer Sets: Bones of RathmaGrace of InariusJesseth ArmsMasquerade of Burning CarnivalPestilence Master's ShroudTrag'Oul's Avatar
Witch Doctor Sets: Helltooth HarnessManajuma's WayMundunugu's RegaliaRaiment of the Jade HarvesterSpirit of ArachyrZunimassa's Haunt
Wizard Sets: Chantodo's ResolveDelsere's Magnum OpusFirebird's FineryTal Rasha's ElementsThe Typhon's VeilVyr's Amazing Arcana
Non-Class Sets
Bastions of WillBlackthorne's BattlegearChampion's Tunic (cosmetic, removed) • Conqueror (cosmetic only) • Dark Wanderer (cosmetic only) • Endless WalkIstvan's Paired BladesKrelm's Buff BulwarkLegacy of NightmaresLegend of Ganondorf (cosmetic only)
Crafted Sets
Asheara's UniformAsheara's VestmentsAughild's AuthorityAughild's VictoryBorn's CommandBorn's DefianceCain's DestinyCain's FateCaptain Crimson's FineryCaptain Crimson's TrimmingsDemon's HideDemon's SkinGuardian's ContingencyGuardian's JeopardyHallowed DefendersHallowed ProtectorsSage's JourneySage's Plight
